A Wednesday that dawned without a cloud in a blue blue sky.
I, along with a group of friends, went to a theme park thinking that we would have an awesome time. That perceived awesome time was spent waiting in long long long lines. We spent 2 hours in line for an awesome roller coaster, only for the ride to malfunction just when we were about to get launched into outer space! Talk about wrong timing and bad luck (not that I believe in luck). But still! Getting asked to get off the ride when you didn't even experience it is quite maddening.
After that, we stayed clear of any lines because we couldn't take anymore queuing! Some of us we're cussing out the staff of the theme park for heartlessly shattering the opportunity to experience what would've been an awesome adrenaline rush. I wish they gave us candy for consolation or something. Two hours!! No, it was almost three hours! THREE HOURS OF OUR LIFE. For three hours we anticipated a ride that would blow us away but all we got IS NOTHING. We stood in line for three hours for nothing. It took a while before we got over it. That means we wasted more minutes to cope with the stress? No, it wasn't stress. I don't know what to call it. Disappointment? Misfortune? That's it. I'm going to call it a misfortune.
Misfortunes in life are inevitable. You go through it once in a while. And that's the point...you go THROUGH them. You fall down, then you stand up, learn from it, and pick up where you left off, stronger and smarter. I feel that the best response to those misfortunes is faith. We need to trust that a higher power is working behind those misfortunes we are experiencing. Maybe it rained hard so that some of the park goers would go home. Consequently making the queues shorter so that we can enjoy more rides. We weren't able to ride the roller coaster, maybe because the ride isn't safe for one of us. Maybe because it's not yet the right time for that. Faith may bring an ability to accept the things we cannot change. Faith can help us to move on and to stand in a long line for another ride, with the strong conviction that it will be an awesome ride.
An hour before closing time, we managed to squeeze in 3 rides. That's not bad at all. It brought a sudden rise to our spirits. Indeed, the end of something is better than its beginning. You just gotta have faith.